Week Four

Video Tools and Accessibility Design


I’m not quite ready to develop the real educational content for my course, instead, I thought it would be a good idea to collect materials for visual interest and marketing materials.

I had an enjoyable time with this project but spent way too much time on it, neglecting other tasks, which is why I eventually stopped, and honestly, I was also getting so sick of the sound of my voice and mouth sounds that I couldn’t successfully edit out. Truth is, I didn’t want to record this myself, I wrote the script and then tested out several AI voice programs for this task, but all of them sounded too robotic and the pronunciation was off, which worries me about future attempts to make instructional videos and animations using whatever AI voice talent is available free online.

In general, I love editing, but I always forget how difficult and time-consuming it is and I like it better when the content comes from others, because you can keep fresh eyes on other people’s contributions much longer than your own.

I expanded on my Adobe Premiere skills, especially when it came to having the program automatically create a transcript and embed the captions (it made mistakes however, most of which I corrected before I published the video).


Audacity Software for audio track mixing

Adobe Premiere Pro for video editing (using both Adobe Stock Photography and Adobe Motion Graphics)

Short Videos
-diverse group of students walking happily down the hall
Video by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/video/college-students-walking-in-the-hallway-8198509/

-a diverse group of students in class
Video by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/video/college-students-in-the-classroom-8198511/

-students in the library laughing at something together
Video by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/video/students-doing-research-in-the-library-8199396/

-male student of color with book on face
Video by Yaroslav Shuraev: https://www.pexels.com/video/person-sleeping-with-face-covered-by-a-book-6283056/

-female student with book on face
Video by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/video/desk-school-faceless-student-4769556/

-students in library working collaboratively
Video by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/video/students-doing-research-in-the-library-8199394/

-library one student of color at a computer desk looks stressed
Video by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/video/students-doing-research-in-the-library-8199364/

Background Music rainbow-2Lhl0w
Royalty Free Stock Music. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://coverr.co/free-stock-music

“My own Path” Song (written with prompts to the artificial intelligence)
Suno. (2024). Suno.com. https://suno.com/