Week Five

Video Tools and Accessibility Design


As the conceit for this project has grown, I began to wonder what an ideal scenario would look like. As a reminder, TLDR.school is meant to be a survey course about what college really is, as in, its end goals and existence as a stepping stone and virtue signaling to the larger society. It’s also intended to provide access to modern higher education alternatives (both accredited and not) to the traditional route, as that original college experience has become increasingly hard to attain for many. While most of the information acquired via a college bachelor’s degree is available online and in many cases for free.

In this fantasy, the input of other educators would be vital. Each subject matter expert could contribute and explain the essence of their specialty, the current progression in the field, and the reasons why anywone might or might not want to study or choose it as their major. To these former, would be, and might be again, members of the desired audience, understanding what each liberal art is actually about and what it could theoretically do for you the whole person is key.

But to that end, I encountered the persuasive problem of online accessibility. Many faculty do not design their learning materials for students with accommodation needs. While, many people were dissuaded from pursuing college due to their either diagnosed or undiagnosed learning disabilities and/or mood disorders. A series of tutorials for these educators who serve as volunteers is warranted.


Video creation and editing is surprisingly time-consuming, no matter how many times you’ve done it. This video was made with PowerPoint, Audacity, OBS studio and Adobe Premiere. It is a combination of original works and also a remixing of existing work available on YouTube and elsewhere with a Creative Commons Attribution 

Works Cited
  • Sutton, M. (2016, June 1). Screen Reader Demo for Digital Accessibility [Video]. UCSF Documents & Media Photography. Creative commons licensed. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEbl5jvLKGQ
  • World Bank – One Billion People – Disability Inclusion Overview Retrieved from https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/disability