Week One

Minicourse Features & LMS Declaration


The website is live! I’ll briefly describe what I went through to get this site up below. Until then, here’s my assignment.

FOUR (well five) FEATURES used in my mini-course

  2. Moodle support site and community forum: https://docs.moodle.org/404/en/Main_page
  3. ADAPT LEARNING Content Creation Tool
  4. Adapt support site and community forum: https://community.adaptlearning.org/
  5. Essential Plugin for E-learning content: https://www.elearningfreak.com/


I honestly don’t want to get too long-winded here, but here’s the short list of barriers to making this new site in brief:

  • While my employer did supply me with a copy of Articulate that could host courses, doing so for this class would be a misuse of company property. What follows is my attempt to accomplish this myself a.k.a. throwing good time after bad.
  • Domain name purchased, but purchaser was sold to another entity, I needed to recover, reclaim, and repoint the URL to the website hosting the content … feels way less like a violation of the appropriate use of office materials 🙂
  • Because the website had an SSL certificate, I had to rekey the certificate many, many, many, many times all to make sure the domain did not throw off a
    “You’re connection is not private” warning on every single browser always.
  • Turns out my hosting company *used to* supply Moodle (as many do with apps like  WordPress or similar) BUT…. That feature had been discontinued, and I would have to install the LMS (in this case the free version) by myself (now might be a good time to mention, that I’m an instructional designer, not a computer scientist, and was unprepared for this in every sense of the word).
  • Confession – I had to hire someone to help me configure the server — now, of course, I could have used one of many LMS systems that did not require this absurd level of backend work, BUT, I’d gotten the domain name and hosting!
  • Once Moodle was working I encountered upload limits and other issues…
  • Since I was already in a hole, I decided to keep digging and learned how to install Adapt on my local hard drive to export SCORM packages to Moodle – I CAN NOT EXPLAIN HOW HAPPY I AM ABOUT THIS DEVELOPMENT FINALLY
  • I lost a month or so in total in this effort, but I’m happy to say, it’s working.

~ Here is an example of the WordPress plugin (the free version) supporting E-learning ZIP files

Works Cited

[url=https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Final_2013_Fencing_WCH_FMS-EQ_t194733.jpg]Final 2013 Fencing WCH FMS-EQ t194733[/url]
© Marie-Lan Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons